14th battalion, 4th regiment to watch the historical film "the Tokyotrial"
Author:Source:澳门太阳集团2020网站英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:16
In order to enrich the students' military training life outside thedrill, encourage the students' enthusiasm for military training,strengthen ideological education and promote the spirit ofpatriotism, the 14th battalion of the 4th regiment of the college ofhumanities and law organized a military movie watching activity inclassrooms 502, 503 and 504 of No.4 teaching building at 7 PM onJanuary 7th. Li Weishun, political instructor of 14th battalion, andall the trainees participated in the film watching activity.
Those who are watching the movie carefully
The film that this activity sees is "Tokyo trial". The filmfocuses on 1946, when the international military tribunal for the fareast, an 11-judge tribunal from 11 countries, tried Japanese warcriminals in Tokyo. Mei Ruao, a Chinese judge, flew to Tokyo at theappointment of the Chinese nationalist government. The trial opened,but the Chinese delegation suffered various difficulties andsetbacks. Finally, the Chinese judges led by Mei Ruao, under thepressure of the interests of the big powers, fought hard to put theseven notorious war criminals led by Hideji tojo on the gallow by aslim margin of six to five.
Thestudents who watched the movie carefully
The history of the trial of war criminals in Japan after it surrender toChina is visually presented again in the form of film, which enablesus to approach and touch this story. This should have been a justtrial, but because of the Hideki tojo party blocked and twists andturns, it lasts for two years and took 817 trials. Around the trial,we see the Chinese delegation was oppressed by a big country of thedifficult situation, the Japanese war criminals of world war ii forcrimes down stoutly deny and brazen Hideki tojo, the court's cunningsophistry, Allies of the defense lawyers outstanding precedents andbackchat, Japanese youth in the perversion of war and hatred of Chinadistortion, etc. In particular, Mei ruao, a Chinese judge, persuadedjudges from around the world before sentencing him. He won the bill6-5, and many students clapped their hands when he sent seven a-classwar criminals to the guillotine.
Atthe scene of the movie
"Trialin Tokyo" does not use narrow national emotions to increase thehatred between China and Japan. In the narration of the story, thefilm repeatedly USES the perspective of Mei ruao, a Chinese judge, toexpress the injustice of Japan's war of aggression, which not onlybrings disasters to other nations, but also brings heavy harm to itsown nation. With a healthy attitude, the film guides people to have acorrect understanding of history, not blind hatred, bearing in mindthe suffering and trauma brought by the war, and cherishing thehard-won peace.
Atthe scene of the movie
"Onlywhen a person's personality is at its best can he protect theinterests of his country; Only when a country is strong enough can itmaintain its national dignity. History is always the best witness."Miss su was moved.
Militarytraining builds physical strength to protect the country, andmovie-watching strengthens ideological education to promote peace. Ibelieve that students after watching the film must benefit a lot, andin the days to remember the national humiliation, will carry forwardthe spirit of pacifism and patriotism.