The teachers and students of our college went to Chaoshan area toinvestigate and participate in the "Zhang Jingsheng and modernChina" academic seminar
Author:Source:澳门太阳集团2020网站英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:28
From December 13 to 16, 2018, Zheng Tingyi, vice President of the schoolof humanities and law, Chen Xiaoling, Guo Shuaishuai, Wen Hao andother graduate students conducted a special research on the role of"new country" in rural revitalization in chaoshan region,and participated in the "Zhang Jingsheng and modern China"academic seminar held by Han shan normal university from December 15to 16.
At 13:00 on December 13, the research team arrived in puning area,jieyang. The team first visited shangliao village, a famous taobaovillage in puning area. Shangliao village is a famous e-commercevillage in China. Since 2008, a large number of migrant workers havereturned to their hometowns to set up a taobao store. In 2017, theannual sales volume reached 20 billion yuan. In shangliao village,the research team interviewed Ms. Xu, vice chairman of jialong group,a listed company, and Mr. Huang Zhenbiao, a leading e-commerceentrepreneur in the village. Interviews were conducted to understandthe success of migrant workers returning to their hometowns andbringing positive influence to the local entrepreneurial environment.
After the interview of shangliao village, I went to the town of chigang,puning area and visited the environmental treatment project of Xilinvillage, chigang town. Xilin village makes use of the old sewage pondin the village. Through the foundation reconstruction, environmentalgreening and three-stage sewage treatment, the original cross-flowsewage pond is transformed into a landscape lake and a fitness park.In cooperation with the art college of Shantou University, we havebuilt a wall painting with a length of 60 meters, which fullybeautifies the environment and is a successful example of ruralenvironmental beautification.
(saiLin sai Yin wetland park before renovation)
(convertedsai Yin wetland park, sai lam)
On December 14th morning research team line came to Shantou tide areabiggest commodity laugh three industrial processing and manufacturingenterprise with three pepper company, in the light of modern followvillager entrepreneurial success after village culture, employment,education, medical treatment, etc, the influence of investigation andresearch, and interviewed three smile industrial chairman Mr LinWenqing and pepper mouth Wu Yixu, director of the general manager Mr.The enterprise also introduced the difficulties in the shortage oftalents, the weak market and the shortage of land, and showed itswillingness to cooperate with universities to solve the talent gap.
On the morning of December 15, the seminar "Zhang Jingsheng andmodern China" was held in hanshan normal university. The openingceremony of "Zhang Jingsheng and modern China" academicseminar is divided into two parts. The first part is the openingceremony of "Zhang Jingsheng and modern China academic seminar".The second part is the republication press conference of "ZhangJingsheng collection" and "wen demon and prophet --biography of Zhang Jingsheng". Professor Chen pingyuan of PekingUniversity, professor liu dalin of Shanghai jiao tong university,professor fan yugang of the party school of the CPC centralcommittee, associate professor xiao yuhua of han shan normaluniversity, Mr. Zhang chao, son of Zhang Jingsheng, deliveredspeeches at the opening ceremony, which was presided over byprofessor zhang jingzhong, vice President of han shan normaluniversity. More than 100 scholars from Peking University, tsinghuauniversity, Shanghai jiao tong university, Sun yat-sen university,sanlian publishing house and other national key universities andresearch institutions gathered at hanshan normal university todiscuss the influence of Zhang Jingsheng's multiple thoughts oncontemporary China.
(groupphoto of all participants)
Onthe afternoon of 15th, the seminar focused on the hot issues of ZhangJingsheng's literature, Zhang Jingsheng's philosophy, and ZhangJingsheng's theory and practice of rural construction, with a totalof 6 discussion sessions. In the two sessions, 100 pairs of scholarsShared the latest research results. Chen xiaoling and guo shuaishuai,graduate students of our college, respectively gave a detailedintroduction to two papers, "a study on Zhang Jingsheng's ruralconstruction thoughts" and "a practical study on ZhangJingsheng's rural construction", which were highly appraised bythe experts and scholars at the meeting.
(groupdiscussion report site)
On December 16, leaders of Raoping county, fubin town, academic seminarguests, scholars and relatives of Zhang Jingsheng went to darongpuvillage, fubin town, raoping county to hold the opening ceremony ofthe museum of Zhang Jingsheng's former residence, and heldcommemorative activities at the tomb of Zhang Jingsheng.
(photoof Zhang Jingsheng's former residence)