
History department teachers and students in Shaoguan educational research

Author:Source:澳门太阳集团2020网站英文版 Time:2020-05-30Click:14


From January 12 to 14, 2019, more than 20 teachers and students from theHhistory Ddepartment of our collegeuniversity, led by Pprofessor ChenHhaiyYyan and Aassociate Pprofessor Zzhao Ffei, went to NnanxXxiongdistrict, RrenhHhua district and QqujJjiang district of SshaogGguancity and to carriedy out field visits investigation foranddiscussions on teaching and academic research. This field tripinvestigation wais centered mainly conducted around on LlingnNnanAancient  Ppost Rroad and its history and culture. During the visit investigation, teachers and students interacted with each otherto increase their knowledgeclosely, discussing about. Teaching andresearch discussion around the teaching theory and practicemethadologies. to explore, teaching and learning, let a hundred flowers bloom.

On the morning of 12 December 12, the history faculty and the studentsof the History Department arrived at the MmeilLling Aancient Rroad,the first stop of the tripinvestigation, after a four-hour driveride.MeilLling is the ancient fortress of the DdayYyu Mmountain area rangein the east of the five ridges (YyulLling). Under Guided by theteachers from the Tteaching and Rresearch Ooffice of Chinese Hhistoryteachers, students reviewed recall the history and the culturalheritage of LlingnNnan Aancient Ppost Rroad for thousands of years ofhistory and cultural heritage. From the Ttang Ddynasty, Mr. whenZzhang JjiulLling was ordered to split the mountains in MmeilLling;and Mr. Su DongpPpo had visited MmeigGguan several times; , MaoAOZzedDdong and Zzhu DeE led the Rred Aarmy to cross the MmeigGguan formany times, leaving behind the heroic footprints;. Marshal Chen Yyidedicated himself to three years of guerrilla warfare and wrote hisimmortal poem in this area. The tTeachers and students followed theMmeiling Aancient Rroad to fully experience reviewed the long historyand culture of LlingnNnan.

Groupphoto in front of the monument of T"three Cchapters ofMmeilLling" by Chen Yyi

Teachersand students boarded the mei pass

On the evening of 12 December 12, the teachers and students of theHhistory Ddepartment visited the history and existing ancestral hallsof Zzhuji lane. Recognized as "tThe first lane in GguangdDdong,"-- ZzhujJji lane began came into being in the Ttang Ddynasty, and itwas initially a commercial town on the Aancient Ppost Rroad inLlingnNnan. It was known as "the Chinese cultural post station,the root of GguangfFfu in the world". Having survived From theTtang Ddynasty to the Ssong, Yyuan, Ming and Qqing Ddynasties, it wasthe first stop for many and transfer station for immigrants to enterLlingnNnan area.

Zhujilane inspection ancestral hall

On the 13 Decemberth, the teachers and students of the HhistoryDdepartment visited Mmt. DanxXxia. They cClimbed to the top of theelder peak view pavilion, overlooking the DdanXxia beautifullandscapes of Mt. Daxiaform. Later they; We visited the BbicCchuanZzen Ttemple and JjinsSshiyYyan Ttemple, and collected the relatedinscriptions and inscriptions, as well as the records ofJjinsSshiyYyan temple, which enriched and enriched the collection ofbook collection of thes in our college. In order to further deepenthe understanding of DdanxXxia landform landscapes and the historyand culture of Mt. DdanxXxia mountain, the teachers and students alsovisited the Mt. DdanxXxia mountain Mmuseum, the Ppractice Tteachingbase Center of our the college.

ClimbtoOn the top of Mmt. Presbyterian peakDaxia

Associate Pprofessor Zzhao Ffei explained the history and culture of Mmt.Danxia to the teachers and students

PayingvA visit to Mt. DdanxXxia Mmuseum

On the evening of the 13th and the morning of the 14thDecember, all the teachers and students held two rounds of teachingseminars. In the first seminar, all the teachers and students had anin-depth discussion on the basic situation and problems in theaspects of credit system reform and undergraduate students' abilitycultivation. In the second symposiumseminar, the three departments ofChinese history, world history and tourism culture held groupdiscussions on the undergraduate teaching in the past year. In thesymposiumseminar, the teachers and students spoke exchanged ideas andsuggestionsenthusiastically, and finally reached a series ofconsensus on the setting of elective courses, the credit ratio ofgraduation practice, the cultivation of students' learning style,learning ability and comprehensive ability.

Chinesehistory teaching and research office seminarsymposium

Worldhistory teaching and research office symposiumseminar

Culturaltourism teaching and research office seminar site

On the 14th, the last stop of the research tour was NnanhHhua Ttemple.Compared with the previous two days of inspectioninvestigation, thecultural relics and inscriptions of NnanhHhua Ttemple are moreconcentrated and abundant. Teachers and students took photos workedtogether to shoot which are useful materials for future research.alot of material for future use.

TeacherZzhu CchangqQqiao instructeds students to study the inscription

TeacherWwang HhaiyYyan explained the history of Nnanhua Ttemple to theteachers and students

On the afternoon of 14th December, the three-day teaching andresearch inspection investigation ended successfully. This activitywas supported by the college, the Mmanagement Ccommittee of mount Mt.DdanXxia and NnanhHhua Ttemple. This activity wais not only anon-site investigation combining with practical teachingthe historydepartment teachers and students theory and practice combined withthe field investigation, but also a good chance for teachers andstudents to build close connection with each other and make in-depthdiscissions.teaching and learning, teachers and students empathy,full of a teaching and research discussion.
