The afternoon of May 21, "guangzhou ceremony" ceremony of bookson our agricultural heritage research institute of China on the firstfloor conference room, guangzhou research center, deputy director ofthe ceremony and qing liu ping, deputy curator of the guangzhoulibrary, Ph.D., school of humanities and law Yang Nailiang lynne,dean, deputy secretary of the party secretary of XiaoHua, deputy deanHe Fangyao, Chinese agricultural heritage institute NiGen professorking, deputy director of the professor fu-chang wang teacher andgraduate history books attended the ceremony. The ceremony waspresided over by secretary zhang hui.
Secretaryzhang hui of the college presided over the book donation ceremony of"guangzhou Canon"
At the beginning of the ceremony, professor Yang nailiang, dean of theschool of humanities and law, delivered a welcoming speech. Heexpressed his gratitude to the guangzhou Canon research center forits gift of 520 volumes of guangzhou Canon to the institute ofagricultural history of our hospital, and hoped to continue tostrengthen the cooperation between the two units in academic and bookresources. Dr. Liu pingqing, executive deputy director of guangzhoudanyi research center, also delivered a speech. He expressed hissatisfaction with the cooperation between guangzhou danyi researchcenter and the institute of agricultural history in recent years, andthanked the institute of agricultural history, especially professorni genjin and librarian Yang liu, for their selfless contribution tothe compilation of guangzhou danyi. At the same time, we hope todeepen our cooperation and make contributions to the compilation ofguangzhou Canon in the republic of China.
Deanof the welcoming speech by professor Yang nailiang
Dr.Liu pingqing, executive deputy director of guangzhou danyi researchcenter, delivered a speech
After the speech, director ni genjin accepted the gift book of guangzhouCanon on behalf of the institute of agricultural history, and vicedirector wang fuchang sent the donation certificate back to executivedeputy director liu pingqing. In the discussion and exchange meeting,liu pingqing, executive deputy director, introduced the achievementsand development goals of the research center in recent years, andhoped that the teachers of our school could contribute to the journal"guangzhou grand book research" and publish papers. At thesame time, I hope to cooperate with the institute of agriculturalhistory and the library of our university in collecting and sortingvaluable literature of the republic of China. Ni genjin, thedirector, said that there was a large space for cooperation betweenthe two units, and they were willing to carry out new cooperation inliterature and periodical sorting in the republic of China, so as torealize resource sharing and win-win cooperation.
The research center of "guangzhou Canon" donated books to theinstitute of agricultural history of our university
The institute of agricultural history sent back the book certificate tothe research center of guangzhou Canon
Liupingqing, chief editor, presented the journal of guangzhou Canonresearch to the institute and the institute of agricultural history
To investigate the collection and collation of agricultural literatureof the republic of China in the institute of agricultural history
Leaders,guests, teachers and students took a group photo at the "guangzhouceremony" book gift ceremony
Afterwards,secretary zhang hui and director ni genjin led the guests to visitthe special collection library of the institute of agriculturalhistory, and inspected the digitization progress of the librarymaterials of the institute of agricultural history. Dr. Zhao xinliangand Dr. Li junxin, the first researchers to visit the center, wereimpressed by the rich collection of books in the special collectionlibrary. Liu pingqing, executive deputy director, said that he wouldlike to spend some time in the institute of agricultural history toread books. Finally, they took a group photo in front of the nong shisuo, the book ceremony in the shutter sound came down the curtain.
It is reported that "guangzhou Canon" is the new China's firstlarge-scale local historical literature series, 520 volumes, thebasic collection of ancient guangfu historical documents, is thestudy of lingnan history and culture of the most important database.As a member of the expert group and a provider of the primer, theChinese institute of agricultural heritage of our universityparticipated in and witnessed the birth of this large-scale series.Send relevant personnel to participate in the expert discussionmeeting for many times, not only for the ceremony publishedrecommendations to build, but also provide free 103 copies, 19278precious certificates, quite a part of them are found elsewhere, rarebook, such as sweeping light-years panyu Zhao Gunong "longanspectrum", "betel nut spectrum", "smoke",the qing yongzheng shunde money to Mr Yu and five poetry ",etc.), made a unique contribution for the ceremony of editing and publication.
Author:Yang LiyanFrom: College of humanities and law